Fullscreen Image Zoom and Pan with Jquery

click on images below

This image needs zoom and is included inside a div with a data-big attribute. Since it's a div you can click anywhere, even not in the image:

This one is inside a link with a title and a target. The image is limited in size with CSS, so it needs a zoom:

This one is small and no zoom is needed, so it does nothing despite being in the selection:

Another couple of images, one without and the other with a wrapping link:

These three are all inside the same link. Only two need zoom, but all get the zoom applied
because the wrapping element is selected for zoom & pan.
They zoom independently but all use the common link in the viewer to navigate to the original URL:

This one is a single image, with its size limited by CSS:

This image is dynamically loaded by JavaScript code after the zoom/pan has been already applied to the images included in the document:

All images from freeimages.com